Ramak Dairy New Mother Brand Positioning

Business Success Through Differentiated Brand Positioning

The Work
Research Best Practices & Identify Unoccupied Opportunity Areas

Certius’ work with Ramak can be separated into three distinct phases. The first of these was market research led. Here we conducted qualitative studies to understand positioning areas that could have potential, whilst contrasting these to the current positioning of Ramak and its competitors. As part of our work, we also identified best practices when it came to brand positioning. This was based on our analysis of best in class dairy companies in advanced international dairy markets. The next step was to design a map of the brand positions of the current market players. We then used this to identify unoccupied opportunity areas. Using our findings as part of a workshop with Ramak’s top management and marketing departments, we worked together to generate a number of compelling brand positionings. Each of these positions was then assessed against a list of criteria, such as the potential to generate consumer preference, competitive differentiation compared to other brands, disruption potential, and ability to fit with the Ramak brand’s heritage. Finally, after identifying the most promising brand positions, Certius went and validated each of them, testing them with real consumers and scoring them based on how well they met the criteria for the new brand positioning.

The Impact
Position Ramak as a Leader in the Health-Food Market

The output of our work was a new brand positioning for the Ramak brand to strategically position the business and the brand as a leader in the health-food market. Building on this, Certius created a brand manifesto, defined the brand benefit and reasons to believe, and, with the input of top management, devised a multi-year brand building plan. We then further defined the strategic brand architecture of Ramak’s mother-brand and its sub-brands to increase the efficiency of brand marketing investment.

Mehdi Hejazi
Marketing and Sales Director, Ramak Dairy

“CERTIUS delivered the Ramak mother brand positioning project based on a proper understanding of the values, strategies, capabilities and organizational resources as well as the position of other brands in the market. CERTIUS helped us find the best possible brand positioning solution. For this they conducted several internal workshops with marketing and top management as well as very insightful international best practice research. They also advise us in conducting insightful research to Iranian consumers attitude. Selected brand positioning has helped us to concentrate, cooperate and work align together in the organization and we are happy with the result of this project”